ALERT: Paseo Punta Sur Isla Mujeres Photoblog added to Cool Photoblogs Website. Thanks to everyone!!

Isla Mujeres is ranked one of the Top 5 Islands to live on! "This tiny island off the Yucatan Peninsula blends the soul of Mexico with beaches of the Caribbean." - MSNBC.com

Casa Vaya Vida on Facebook

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Flickr and Blogger

As Flickr is "deprecating" Blogger - a fancy way to say no longer working together - and since this is the main way I have been posting pictures for us "islaholics" I have started a Tumblr photoblog http://www.islamujeresphotoblog.tumblr.com I will work through the changes and do my best to keep those Isla and surrounding area pics coming!

Punta Sur Caribe side

32-IMG_2773, originally uploaded by timueller.

Saturday, March 1, 2014


IMG_0093, originally uploaded by B. Alan Peterson.

Mango Cafe

IMG_0107, originally uploaded by B. Alan Peterson.

First Stop to Isla Mujeres

IMG_0018, originally uploaded by B. Alan Peterson.

Zip Line

Isla-Mujeres-2, originally uploaded by mototenor.


Isla-Mujeres-3, originally uploaded by mototenor.

Punta Sur

Playa Norte - Isla Mujeres

They have booze... Isla Mujeres, Mexico.

Tomb of Mundaca

Tomb of Mundaca, originally uploaded by D-Stanley.

South Shore Isla Mujeres, Cancun

South Shore Isla Mujeres, Cancun, originally uploaded by Liauhh.

Skull and Crossbones

Skull and Crossbones, originally uploaded by D-Stanley.

Isla Mujeres Lighthouse

Isla Mujeres Lighthouse, originally uploaded by D-Stanley.

Pelican in Flight

Pelican in Flight, originally uploaded by D-Stanley.

Isla Mujeres

Isla Mujeres, originally uploaded by Tina Manickam.

Isla Mujeres, Mexico

Isla Mujeres, Mexico, originally uploaded by Tina Manickam.

North Beach, Isla Mujeres

North Beach, Isla Mujeres, Cancun, originally uploaded by Liauhh.

Sunset - Isla Mujeres - Cancún

Kids Playing at Sunset - Isla Mujeres - Cancún

Yacht at Playa Norte - Isla Mujeres - Cancún

Kids Playing at Sunset - Isla Mujeres - Cancún